December 13, 2023

Conquering College: Overcoming Crohn's Disease Stigma

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Navigating college while managing Crohn's disease can be daunting, largely due to the stigma that surrounds this condition. Lack of awareness and misunderstandings about the disease can result in isolation and discomfort. This article offers practical strategies for overcoming the stigma associated with Crohn's disease in college.

Unpacking the Stigma: 

The stigma linked to Crohn's disease typically arises from a dearth of accurate information about the condition. As Crohn's is often an invisible illness, it's common for others to underestimate the struggles associated with it. Those who have Crohn's tend to visit the restroom frequently and often require accommodations in many situations.

Strategies to Counteract Stigma:

Here are some strategies to deal with the stigma surrounding Crohn's disease:

Enlighten and Inform:

Education is a powerful tool in combating stigma. Make use of social media platforms, college forums, or informal conversations to spread accurate information about Crohn's disease. This could involve sharing reliable web resources, documentaries, or even inviting a medical professional to a college seminar to enhance understanding and empathy.

Transparent Communication:

Sharing your journey with Crohn's disease can have a profound impact. Consider starting a blog or a vlog where you openly discuss your experiences and challenges. This not only helps others to understand the condition but also serves as a beacon for those silently suffering from similar circumstances.

Utilize Campus Resources:

Universities often offer numerous resources to support students with health conditions. From disability services that ensure appropriate accommodations to mental health counselors providing emotional support, these resources can be invaluable. Remember to explore and utilize these offerings.

Become an Advocate:

Standing up for yourself and others dealing with Crohn's is important. Participate in awareness campaigns, write articles for the college newspaper, or even offer to speak in health classes about your experiences. This active advocacy can contribute to a more inclusive and understanding campus environment.


While facing the stigma of Crohn's disease in college can be tough, remember, through enlightening others, communicating openly, leveraging campus resources, and becoming an advocate, it's entirely possible to transform stigma into understanding. These efforts not only benefit you but also pave the way for future students battling the same challenges.